The monumental growth in the frequency and sophistication of connected moving objects has led to a plethora of solutions to enable continuous, seamless, and reliable connectivity and service delivery. Connected, autonomous, and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) moving devices are playing a significant role in the establishment of reliable wireless connectivity infrastructures for Beyond 5G (B5G) telecommunication networks. The advancements in ad hoc communication and moving platforms are now being recognized as alternative solutions toward connectivity in many complex environments for applications, such as autonomous transportation and robotics. Today’s availability of AI-enabled moving devices, incorporating advanced processing and communication capabilities, together with advanced decentralization-enabling technologies, such as intelligent blockchain, provide alternatives to autonomy for moving platforms in smart cities. In this article, we discuss recent advances in moving IoT devices, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), that adapt intelligent connectivity support, data collection, decision making, and blockchain technology to facilitate autonomous configurability and service provisioning for IoT networks.
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